About OCP North America

OCP North America is the U.S.-based subsidiary of the OCP Group, a 100-year-old company based in Morocco and the world’s largest producer of phosphates. A proud partner of farmers on five continents, OCP works across the value chain from mining and manufacturing to research and development on a broad range of innovative, sustainable plant nutrition products.
OCP North America is building relationships with North American farmers, retailers, universities, start-ups and other partners to better understand—and help deliver—the future of agriculture in North America and the world through innovation in the products, services and partnerships that farmers most need to thrive.
OCP’s home country of Morocco is America’s oldest trading partner. On December 20, 1777, it became the first country to recognize and open its ports to the newly independent United States. Ever since, Morocco and the United States have been valued, long-term allies with a history of working together bilaterally and regionally, and enjoy a strong joint Free Trade Agreement. The two countries share common concerns and consult closely on security, political and economic issues. The treaty of peace and friendship signed by the two countries in 1786 remains the longest unbroken relationship in U.S. history.
More at: www.ocpgroup.ma